Premiere, February 6 2023 @MpellosTheatre
For 8 performances
Presale via Viva: https://www.viva.gr/tickets/theater/dia-mian-anamnisin/ & at the theater box office, tel. 210 32 29 889
When you have no other choice, you name the path that others have laid out for you as a “choice” and you go with it. And what is left in the end? -Memories- memories keep you and give you strength to move forward. “For Memory’s Sake” – an “ode” to arranged marriage, unfolds to the audience testimonies of oppression, love & choices.
A devised/documentary performance conceived/directed by Panagiotis Liaropoulos within the framework of the ECHO III – For Memory’s Sake program.
“For Memory’s Sake” deals with arranged marriage, marriage and the nuclear family in the Balkans. On stage will be Greek and foreign actors from Bulgaria, Romania and Albania, where they will co-create and present a collective multicultural experience based on testimonies, tradition, and the artistic perceptions of young people on love, family and duty.
The play is presented in four languages: Greek, Albanian, Romanian and Bulgarian.
There will be Greek and English subtitles and surtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing.
“And suddenly there was a wind.
In the middle of the square the daughter whirls to the sound of the footsteps of the faithful as they return from the church.
And it looks like winter has softened a bit.
The daughter closed her eyes and the fields appeared before her
The ears of corn
The lights in the villages
The faucets
The moon had been rising for some time and was bathing the small villages
In the square some stopped to admire the spinning daughter
The movement of her skirt has raised air
Little by little, many are gathering
They stand and look at the whirling daughter
And as if something is born from the heavy stones
And they approach each other
And as if something was pulling them closer and closer to the swirling daughter
And suddenly the daughter stops
And he lets out a scream that makes the lights of the square go out for a moment
For a moment only these people share nothingness”
Directing Panagiotis Liaropoulos
Playwright Zoe Davourli | Nefeli Maistrali
Texts Zoe Davourli | Nefeli Maistrali | Panagiotis Liaropoulos | Interviews’ Team
Scene Design Alexandros Piechowiak
Costume Designer Archontoula Tsatoulaki
Original Music Composition/Musician on Stage Yannis Ismirnioglou
Lighting Semina Papalexandropoulou
Assistant Director Narod Shahinian
Movement Panagiotis Liaropoulos
Actors Mara Căruțașu | Delyan Iliev | Aulona Lupa | Penni Boukouvala | Stavria Nikolaou | Vasilis Tryfoultsanis
Photographer Panagiotis Diapoulis
Graphic Designer Iro Athanasiou
Video Editor Asteris Kanousis
Production Veroniki Krikoni I Nikos Pasamitros
Public Relations Elina Evagelopoulou
Accessibility ATLAS E.P.
The project behind the show: “ECHO III – For Memory’s Sake” is implemented by the non-profit organization Inter Alia. It is a European program that aims to bring together artists from the Balkans working in the fields of theatre, music, visual arts and literature to explore tradition and culture through the themes of marriage, consulates and nuclear families in the Balkan context.

Project 101056213 — ECHO III