Brawl (Heron and Snake)


Brawl (Heron and Snake)
en JPG
Prespa Lake is full of different wild animals and species. This artwork is about a majestic giant bird called heron. While exploring the area, I encountered these birds near the beach, and mostly around the lake algae. They are quite similar to cranes including their diet (snakes, bugs, frogs etc). This moment was quite unusual and disturbing. It looked just like a human fight, or as I named it, a Brawl. The heron was having trouble and struggling with a giant snake. The interesting part was the snake struggling for its life, and putting a lot of effort to resist. But after a while, the majestic bird dominated its prey, and won the brawl, while biting the snake from different angles and parts. I cannot explain the intense situation with any additional words. I think I did my best to caption this morbid situation, and I was really lucky to watch the whole event from a few meters away. Simply said, just a mother nature moment that is rare to be caught. Djoshkun Alievski
Lake Prespa
Webpage of digital resource presentation
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Original digital file
Type EDM
en Image
Rights EDM
CC BY-SA 4.0
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Inter Alia
500mm x 707mm, 300 dpi
Rights Holder
Djoshkun Alievski
Bibliographic Citation
“Brawl (Heron and Snake)”. 2021. Artist: Djoshkun Alievski. Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0.
Statement of Responsibility
The art residency has been co-funded by the European Union and is part of the project ECHO II - Traditions in Transition, Creative Europe Programme. The artwork was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of its creators and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
Artwork created and submitted in the context of the ECHO II project which was dedicated to inviting artists in residence to create original artworks, inspired by selected local traditions.