Brawl (Heron and Snake) Prespa Lake is full of different wild animals and species. This artwork is about a majestic giant bird called heron. While exploring the area, I encountered these birds near the beach, and mostly arou...
Breeze (Umbrellas) I consider myself a morning person, and that’s why, during the Prespa Art Residency, I was spending my mornings alone at the beach and enjoying the breeze. The weather was always pleasing and warm. An...
Camouflage (Snake) Golem Grad, a.k.a. Snake island, is home to several ancient ruins and churches, as well as to several different animal species, especially snakes. The island is currently uninhabited, and has been so ...
Feast (Cormorant) This composition is inspired by the time we encountered cormorants, while we were going to the Snake island. Prespa Lake, including this specific island, is really important for the nesting period for...
Flip Flop Fish (Pelicans) This design is about a giant majestic bird that we encountered quite often in the Prespa Lake: the pelicans. One day, while exploring the various beach areas there, I enjoyed a natural phenomenon. The...
Glimmer of Light (Moth Butterfly) Artwork created and submitted in the context of the ECHO II project which was dedicated to inviting artists in residence to create original artworks, inspired by selected local traditions...
Rust (Old Fisherman, Old Boat) Artwork created and submitted in the context of the ECHO II project which was dedicated to inviting artists in residence to create original artworks, inspired by selected local traditions...
Skinning (Prehistoric Settlement) Artwork created and submitted in the context of the ECHO II project which was dedicated to inviting artists in residence to create original artworks, inspired by selected local traditions...
Fictitious Interior Artwork created and submitted in the context of the ECHO II project which was dedicated to inviting artists in residence to create original artworks, inspired by selected local traditions...
Still Life With Shreds of Memories Artwork created and submitted in the context of the ECHO II project which was dedicated to inviting artists in residence to create original artworks, inspired by selected local traditions...
Treasures of Slivnica Artwork created and submitted in the context of the ECHO II project which was dedicated to inviting artists in residence to create original artworks, inspired by selected local traditions...
Interconnections Artwork created and submitted in the context of the ECHO II project which was dedicated to inviting artists in residence to create original artworks, inspired by selected local traditions...
The Second Death of the Painter Keraca Visulčeva Artwork created and submitted in the context of the ECHO II project which was dedicated to inviting artists in residence to create original artworks, inspired by selected local traditions...
Oblivion Artwork created and submitted in the context of the ECHO II project which was dedicated to inviting artists in residence to create original artworks, inspired by selected local traditions...
No Boat in the Water Today Artwork created and submitted in the context of the ECHO II project which was dedicated to inviting artists in residence to create original artworks, inspired by selected local traditions...
Nikolay Marinov (artist) Nikolay Marinov has a Master’s degree in Sculpture from the National Academy of Arts (Sofia, Bulgaria), and a Bachelor’s degree in Sculpture from the University St. St. Cyril and Methodius (Veliko Tar...
Panni Marosi (artist) Panni Marosi was born in 1994, in Budapest. She started her art studies in 2009, at the Secondary School of Visual Arts of Budapest. In 2013, she was awarded the Domanovszky Prize of Excellence, and i...
Yiannis Selimiotis (artist) Yiannis Selimiotis studied at the Department of Physics of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, and is a graduate of the Department of Fine and Applied Arts of the University of Western Mac...
Djoshkun Alievski (artist) Djoshkun Alievski was born in North Macedonia. He has a high school diploma in graphic design, and a Bachelor’s degree in Turkish language and literature from Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Sko...