ECHO Website hero1

Echo is a reflection, a repetition of sound waves, a reminiscent impression. It travels through physical and conceptual spaces evoking identity recollections, desired remembrances, and collective memories looming out of pasts immemorial.

European: geography relating to the western part of the landmass located between the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean; mythology referring to Europa, daughter of Telephassa and Agenor; astronomy relating to the satellite of the planet Jupiter.

Cultural: relating to culture; to the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a society; to the arts and to intellectual achievements.

Heritage: property that is or may be inherited; inheritance; the full range of our inherited traditions, monuments, objects, and culture; the range of contemporary activities, meanings, and behaviours that we draw from them.

Onstage: on to the stage and visible to the audience.



Map showing all the locations ECHO has taken place. Each color represents
a different ECHO:

  • echo pinECHO I
  • echo pinECHO II
  • echo pinECHO III
  • echo pinECHO Academies
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